"I became a Doctor of Chiropractic because I have always been fascinated by the way the human mind and body works and the relationship between the two. I have been drawn to Chiropractic ever since my first adjustment when I was 16.
Chiropractic is a hands on approach to health care that is designed to identify and remove the interference that is preventing the body from healing itself. Through that approach it can help with a wide range of health and pain problems not by treating the symptoms but addressing the cause and by empowering the body's own healing mechanisms.
I am constantly striving to be the greatest Chiropractor I can be and I believe that you never stop learning and you can never stop improving.
I don't believe anyone is a lost cause. As long as you're alive there is always the possibility of healing and no-one should have to live with pain. You would be amazed at what your body can do and what it can overcome with some help."
-Dr Luke Melbourne MChiro DC LRCC
“Meeting patients’ needs throughout their lives”

Child Adjustment
We can work with your child from day one. Using safe, gentle and effective techniques to make sure that their body and nervous system are free and clear of interference so that they can thrive. The techniques we use when we work with children are much gentler than those we use with adults and often will not include the 'clicking' often associated with Chiropractic.
We can also help as they grow and develop. The work we do can help with injury prevention, recovery and performance. We can help to make sure that all those small knocks they get now don't stay with them as adults.
We know that coming in for an Examination can be a scary and intimidating process even for an adult, never mind for a child. That's why we will do everything we can to try and make it as easy, relaxed and pleasant as possible. So, if you think your child would benefit from Chiropractic Care then why not contact us to book an initial FREE Spinal Screening. This will allow you to come in and meet Dr Melbourne and ask any questions you may have. Also, it's a fantastic opportunity for your Child to explore and experience the Practice without any pressure to do anything or be examined. It is important to us that both you and your child are happy and comfortable here throughout their Examination and subsequent Care.
We know that being a parent is already expensive enough. So we have reduced the cost of our Paediatric Chiropractic care as much as we can in order to make it as affordable as possible for all the family to receive Chiropractic Care.
Both a Child and Under 21’s Examination is £60.
Children's (12 & Under) Adjustments are £20 and Under 21’s (13- 21) Adjustments are £30.
“ Chiropractic is a hands on approach to Healthcare that looks at you as a whole, not just a set of symptoms.”

Adult Adjustment
We can help people from all walks of life and all ages.
We help guide you back to the greatest health you can achieve and then we will teach your body how to stay there. We achieve this by first taking the time to listen and then to look at what is really happening and what the underlying causes are. We then design a program of care that is designed around what suits your needs best. This allows us to find and remove the interference and stress on; the body, the spine and the nervous system.
The techniques we use to achieve this will vary with everyone we see and can be adapted depending on your preferences. Chiropractic care is not meant to be a painful process and we strive to be as gentle as possible. That's why we currently have patients aged 0 to 94.
The first step of starting Chiropractic care is to have a full and detailed Consultation, Medical History and Physical & Neurological Examination. This will be done on your first visit and should take upto 40 minutes. Dr Melbourne will then sit down with you on your second visit and take the time to explain the findings and discuss a Care Plan that works for you.
If you aren't sure you are ready to commit to a full Examination yet and just want a preliminary sit down with Dr Melbourne to discuss your case and ask some questions then contact us to book a FREE 10 minute Pre-Examination Consultation, available in person or online.
The cost of the Examination is £90.
Subsequent Adjustments are £40.
“I believe in your ability to be well”

What do our patients say?
Don't just take it from us - read on for the testimonials of some of our patients.